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I am an active researching academic with articles and papers available online. My research involves techniques to develop consist world environments in which people create for a variety of mediums. This enables transmedia storytelling, a term coined by renowned academic Henry Jenkins


I completed my Ph. D. at the University of Winchester on "writing structures and world development techniques in science fiction and fantasy".

Stepping Between Games

I produced a series of articles on Warhammer 40K and my collection of Eldar miniatures. You can find them here:
Memory Lane: The Eldar 01
Memory Lane: The Eldar 02
Memory Lane: The Eldar 03
Memory Lane: The Eldar 04
Memory Lane: The Eldar 05

NAWE: Catharsis as Process

My academic article on Catharsis was published by the National Association of Writers in Education in their journal, Writing in Practice in 2019. 

Parallel Worlds Magazine

I write regularly for the new magazine, Parallel Worlds, a free magazine available to download from the website. I am also part of the editorial team. Click on the image to be taken to their website.

BFS Journal 19

I edited BFS Journal 19, a great collection of articles, reviews and scholarly pieces on Fantasy, Horror and Science Fiction. Submissions are open for the next issue -

BFS Journal 18: The Evolving Megatext of Fantasy

I edited BFS Journal 18, a collection of articles, reviews and scholarly pieces on Fantasy, Horror and Science Fiction. I also contributed an article of my own, The Evolving Megatext of Fantasy.
Submissions are open for the next issue -

BFS Journal 17

I edited BFS Journal 17, a great collection of articles, reviews and scholarly pieces on Fantasy, Horror and Science Fiction. Submissions are open for the next issue -

Penguin Random House: Guide to Pittacus Lore

Article for Penguin Random House that gives an overview of the Pittacus Lore series, beginning with I am Number Four. You can view this, here -

Inspecting the Canons

Article for BFS Journal 16 that explores canonical consistencies across large genre franchises and looks at the role of fan fiction alongside 'offical' fiction from the perspective of the reader/viewer.

Fantasy and the Referential Language

Article for BFS Journal 15 that explores the familiar writing language and archetypes we bring to the genre. This piece also discusses how computer games have influenced the evolving focus of writing Fantasy fiction.

Dead and Loving It

Editorial Article for Total Film and SFX Magazine's Definitive Guide to the  Undead. In it, I compile the popular archetypal qualities of different types of undead and discuss the evolving chharacteristics of Zombies in our popular media. 'This Ultimate Celebration' of Zombies was first printed in 2016 and reprinted in 2017.

The Myth Misunderstanding

Article for BFS Journal 14 that explores the use of mythology in modern writing. I look at how myths can be created, what meaning people find in them and how writers utilise both original myth and archypal derived myth in their work.

Developing Elite: Dangerous

Article for Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction 120 that details the working process I went through to assist Frontier Developments in creating definitive guide matieral for the storieswritten and published in the Elite: Dangerous fiction franchise.

The Troubles and Triumphs of Transmedia Narratives

Article for Geek that discusses the difficulties of constructing transmedia stories.

© 2024 by Allen Stroud. All background images are made by the author. Additional images are used with permission. Website created with

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