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My academic work involves applying science fiction and other literary techniques into a variety of fields. In 2023, I joined the research cente for 'Trust, Peace and Social Relations' (CTPSR). My new paper will focus on futures research and horizon scanning.


My Research Profile

My PurePortal Research profile at Coventry University. This contains all my published research and is updated whenever I publish a new academic article in a journal. It also features many of my other publications, like reviews, and fiction.

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Fantasy and the Referential Language

Published in the British Fantasy Society Journal number 15, this paper explores the commonalities of fantasy writing. 


Chapter in Worlds Apart

Luna Press published Worlds Apart: Worldbuilding in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Chapter 2, is my articles, 'Fragmented Worlds: Glimpse Morsels for the Imagination.' The book won the BSFA Award for Non Fiction.

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The Evolving Megatext of Fantasy

Published in the British Fantasy Society Journal number 18, this paper looks at the concept of the megatext in fantasy and how it has changed since it was first defined.


Inspecting the Canons

An academic paper published in the British Fantasy Society Journal 16 that explores the nature of 'official' fiction in a commercial franchise and how fan content can be 'canon'.


My Ph. D Thesis

I completed my Ph. D. in 2017. The title was, An Investigation and Application of Writing Structures and World Development Techniques in Science Fiction and Fantasy.

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The Myth Misunderstanding: How to Make Stories Linger

Published in the British Fantasy Society Journal 14, this paper looks at the way in which myths are part of modern fiction and can be dangerous.


NAWE: Catharsis as Process

My 2019 article for the National Association of Writers in Education Journal, Writing in Practice.


Transformational Fairy Monsters

A co-authored paper with Caitlin Orr published in the British Fantasy Society Journal 16. This deals with the way specific 'friendly' monsters are used in different popular texts.   


The Historical Dictionary of Fantasy Literature

Published in June 2023, this dictionary is a compilation of influential fantasy authors and concepts from past and present.


© 2024 by Allen Stroud. All background images are made by the author. Additional images are used with permission. Website created with

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